Our productions
The show premiered on 8 December 2013. The script was created by our students based on a famous fairy tale about a turnip. Ukrainian subtitles.
The premiere took place on June 21, 2015. It was quite a complex production, with many original songs in various genres (rap, bop, tango), classical ballet and ballroom dancing. The students of the drama class changed the traditional plot of the fairy tale about Ivasyk-Telesyk, where evil snakes used to be beautiful geese, and traditional geese became flying pigs with a sense of beauty.
Mr. Kotsky
The premiere took place on December 11, 2016.
A version of a traditional fairy tale about Mr. Kotsky, who was kicked out of the house for laziness - but the Magic Tree told him how to get ti live a good life in the forest ...
The premiere took place on December 13, 2015. The script was created by our students based on the famous fairy tale about the glove.
The second concert-performance "Vesnyanka"
The concert took place on March 13, 2015.
Block and Golden Tree
The premiere took place on July 2, 2018.
The story of an alien Block who flies to planet Earth to find friends, but gets into an adventure ...
Anna of Kyiv and the King of France
The premiere took place in June 2021
King Henry of France wants to marry Anna of Kyiv - but Anna has once rejected Henry ...